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Series: Passions of the Solar Plexus – Introduction 

by Evelyn Levenson

This post begins a series that explains the energy of each gate around the Emotional Solar Plexus Center so you can learn to harness your natural passions and creative energy to manifest the life you desire.

Emotional energy is a frequency of energy that brings richness and creativity to our lives. It is home to the passion and intensity that distinguish us from  fellow animals on this planet. Romantic love, anguish, poetry, empathy, compassion, magnificent works of art, soaring pieces of music, and even revolution are all contained in the Emotional Solar Plexus Center of the Human Design chart.

This center is one of nine geometrical shapes on the chart, called energy centers. The Solar Plexus is the only one that is both an awareness center and a motor center. Motors provide energy for taking action while awareness centers gives us energy for self-awareness and conscious intelligence.

This combination makes the Solar Plexus the most complex of the nine centers and gives it tremendous impact on our lives.

The emotional energy in this center operates in waves, like a sine wave on a graph. It has ups and downs, highs and lows. These natural cycles are experienced directly by the half of the population that has this center defined (colored) on their chart.

The other half of the population has this center open (white) which means they take in and amplify this energy, and the related emotional waves, from the defined Solar Plexus Centers around them. They experience this energy indirectly and can develop great wisdom about emotional energy because they experience such wide variations in the possibilities of this energy.

Because emotions can be intense and not logical or rational, emotional waves cause distortions in our perception of the world. This is especially true for the emotionally defined among us. At the top of your emotional wave you may feel excited about an opportunity, but at the bottom of your wave you may have a very different feeling about it.

Thus, if you are emotionally defined, it’s crucial for you to understand the energy dynamics at play here, and to take your time in making decisions. You reach clarity only after waiting through at least one of your wave cycles so you can see the distortions and the variable feelings caused by it. [I’ll explain more about decision-making in a future post.]

The Metaphysical Role of the Solar Plexus

Emotional energy has a biochemical basis in the body but its role and impact go far beyond our physical nature. Our emotions, usually triggered by our thoughts and beliefs, calibrate our heart energy located in the G Center (diamond shape in middle of chart).

The G Center is home to our personal magnetic monopole which connects us to the collective energy of the universe and also attracts to us people, events, and circumstances that resonate with our heart energy. This is where and how the Law of Attraction works. It’s all about our magnetic resonance field.

So, our emotional feelings play a vital role in creating our direction and experiences in life. They truly create our reality!

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.”

Yet, it rarely seems quite as simple as changing our thoughts to instantaneously change our life. We are, after all, very complex beings. Thankfully, Human Design helps illuminate our complexity and gives us tools for understanding and navigating the labyrinth of connections and influences that make us who we are.

What Are the “Passions of the Solar Plexus”?

Each center on the Human Design bodygraph has several “gates” attached to it, which combine with other gates to form channels which then connect the centers to each other. There are 64 gates in the Human Design system, and it takes two gates to form a channel.

The gates are expressions and archetypes of the human experience, and the gates that are connected to a center are related to the energy of that center.

The energy of a center gets “filtered” through the defined (colored) gates attached to it in order to be expressed. This is true whether the center itself is defined or open. If there are no defined gates attached to a center, then that center is unlimited in its expression.

Each of the seven gates attached to the Solar Plexus Center reflects one aspect of the emotional and creative potential of the center. I call them the “Passions of the Solar Plexus.”

For example, Gate 6 has a passion for having impact and intimacy. Gate 37 has a passion for creating peace and harmony.

When you have ANY Solar Plexus gates defined in your chart, using those “passions” correctly will allow you to authentically express your creative power in your life.

It’s also important to understand the Solar Plexus Gates that are open (white) in your chart, because:

  • People in your life may have those defined and knowing THEIR creative powers will help you in your interactions with them.
  • If you are around someone who has those gates defined, you will take in and amplify that energy. Even though you don’t carry the energy of those gates consistently, you will experience and possibly express those energies at times. Remember, we ALL experience ALL of the chart!
  • When planets or other celestial bodies are passing through any of the Solar Plexus Gates (transiting), you will likely feel those energies and may notice those around you expressing them, too.

Bottom Line

These energies—the Passions of the Solar Plexus—affect the way we exert our creative power in the world… which determines our life experience. Armed with this knowledge, you can consciously leverage these energies to your advantage while remaining aligned with the truth and magnificence of Who You Are.

Over the coming weeks, we’ll explore all seven of the gate energies connected to the Solar Plexus Center, one at a time. For simplicity, we’ll start with Gate 6, on the left side of the Solar Plexus Center, and move clockwise around it.

Learn about the Passions of Gate 6 HERE >>

Here are all of the published posts in this series:

Passions of the Solar Plexus #1 – Gate 6 “Impact and Intimacy”
Passions of the Solar Plexus #2 – Gate 37 “Peace and Harmony”
Passions of the Solar Plexus #3 – Gate 22 “Creativity and Grace”
Passions of the Solar Plexus #4 – Gate 36 “Exploration and Adventure”
Passions of the Solar Plexus #5 – Gate 30 “Passion”
Passions of the Solar Plexus #6 – Gate 55 “Faith and Abundance”
Passions of the Solar Plexus #7 – Gate 49 “Revolution and Principles”


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  1. I am looking forward to this passions of the solar plex. But I am already a little confuse. I have the gate 6 and I though it was about ultimately learning peace through relationships. Could you have made an error here?
    You said:”For example, Gate 6 has a passion for having impact and influence. Gate 37 has a passion for creating peace and harmony.”

    1. Hi Kathleen, there can be a “peacemaker” aspect to Gate 6, but impact and influence are also major themes. Like so many gates in Human Design, Gate 6 has several interrelated themes. I waited to address your question until my post on Gate 6 was ready… which it is now. Please click the link above to read more about Gate 6.

  2. Me too. I thought gate 31 was about influence, influential leadership. ??? This is a new take on gate 6 I haven’t heard. I look forward to your newsletter on it.
    I enjoy all your writings, Evelyn. Thanks for your teachings and offerings.

    1. Hi Laura, yes Gate 31 is leadership and democratic influence. Gate 6 has a different angle on impact and influence (and intimacy!). Please follow the link above to learn more about Gate 6. And thank you for your kind words!

  3. Thank you Evelyn for sharing your knowledge about the solar plexus center. I always enjoy reading your posts. What does it mean when you have a completely open solar plexus center with no activated gates? Does it mean that you need to be around others to be creative? Can you expand on what you mean by when there are no defined gates attached to a center, then it is unlimited in its expression (i.e. what does this look like for people with an open solar plexus center compared to those with a defined center?).

    1. Stay tuned for upcoming emails related to the posts in this series, where I’ll talk more about undefined and completely open centers.

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