If you are emotionally Open (the large triangle on lower right of your chart is white), THE most powerful thing you can do to avoid the pain and overwhelm… and maximize the wisdom… associated with this emotional energy center is to apply this mantra: Be a screen, not a sponge.
This means you allow all the emotional energy–which you naturally take in and amplify from people with Defined Emotional Centers around you–to flow right through you like a breeze blowing through a screen door.
Don’t absorb those emotions and hold on to them like a sponge. Holding them usually feels bad and leads you to believe that you’re “at the mercy of” those energies, which of course you can’t control.
As an Open Solar Plexus Center person, you can feel like a cork bobbing on the ocean getting knocked over by wave after wave of other people’s emotional energy. You may even feel you need to “protect” yourself from their energy.
But you’ll always take in and amplify those energies–that’s what Open Centers do. It’s what YOU do with those energies that matters. You’re best served by shifting how you handle them, so they no longer affect your experience.
When you feel overwhelmed by someone else’s intense emotional energy, remind yourself that it’s not your energy and you can let it go. Be a screen, not a sponge! You WILL get better at doing this; just be patient with yourself.
This mantra is useful for ALL Open Centers, but most importantly and dramatically for the Open Emotional Solar Plexus Center.
Hi. I read a lot „be a screen“ or „open the windows and let it through“ but I don’t get what this actually means for me ( how it translates to my body sensations and emotions).
I get the image but actually apply it? I don’t get what people mean by that. Is it acting out/feel the emotions that are present around me? Often I don’t feel moved by emotions of others and this feels more like cutting myself off from it and maybe telling the emotional person that I feel made responsible for „supposedly“ their emotions. This does not exactly feel healthy for the both of us. As it is often escalating the situation.
Can you maybe tell me in other words that are referring to emotions or body sensations that are less abstract?
Kind regards,
a 31y 6/2 Reflector
Great question, Peter. Being a screen regarding others’ energy means you can “watch” the others’ energy flow through and past you, almost like watching a movie. You’re aware of it but don’t need to take it in or take it on. Certainly not be responsible for it. You may feel body sensations or your own emotions about it as you observe. Your awareness of others and their energies can help you be more aware and empathic toward them, not cut off from them. The whole point of using the “being a screen not a sponge” approach is to protect yourself from being waylaid, overwhelmed, confused, or hijacked by other people’s energies, while still being present and aware of them. Hope that helps.