Resource: There’s an Art to “Possibility Thinking”? 

by Evelyn Levenson

Here is a GREAT resource for helping you have an awesome life that you love (which is both my motto and my mission!).

A dear friend gave me a copy of this book while we visited together during a recent trip. As much personal development work as I’ve done, I had not come across it yet… which really surprised me.

It’s truly a gem.  [click the title below to learn more, read reviews, etc.]

The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life

by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander

This husband and wife team draw from their combined growth and success in both personal and professional arenas to bring us a practical manual for generating and applying “possibility thinking” and creativity in our lives.

This can change your entire outlook on life, relationships, and success. They offer 12 “practices” that turn problems into possibilities which open the door to inspired solutions.

An uplifting and transformational, as well as practical, book.

I plan to incorporate many of these concepts into my own coaching programs—that’s how much I like this book!


[If you choose to buy the book from the above link, I may get a tiny commission from’s affiliate program. Please rest assured that I only recommend books and programs that I believe have great value and integrity and that I have personal experience with.]

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