Evelyn's Blog

Post Group:  Human Design DETAILS

Category: Gates/Channels/Circuits

The Gates, Channels, and Circuitry of Human Design give us the details of our uniqueness in the world. At the same time, they also determine our bigger picture aspects such as Type, Authority, and Incarnation Cross.

Here you will find a variety of blog posts designed to inform and expand your understanding of the Gates, Channels, and Circuitry of the chart. Start with Featured Posts, then explore the list of All Posts in this category. Click any title to read the full post.

Featured Posts in this Category - recommended reading!

Timing. They say it’s “everything”… but is it really? What do you think? More importantly, what has been your experience . . . read more

Article: Timing… is it really “everything”? (A quick look at manifested, generated, and projected channels)

In a recent advanced Human Design class I’m taking, we had a wonderful discussion I wanted to share with you . . . read more

Quick Tip: When Logic Isn’t “Predictable”

Use Your Human Design Chart to Help You Stay Healthy and Vibrant There is no shortage of theories and advice . . . read more

Health Indicators in Your Chart – Part 3: Significant Gates and Channels

Like a Circuit Board, Your Chart Shows Your Energetic Wiring In my view, one of the most fascinating aspects of . . . read more

Secrets of Human Design’s “Hidden” Circuitry

All Posts in this Category (most recent first)


My friend and Human Design colleague, April Goff Brown, has written a wonderful reference book about the 64 Gates of Human Design that is NOW available. April is a level 4 certified Quantum Human Design Specialist, Intuitive Life Coach, and . . . read more

New Human Design book about the 64 Gates!


Sometimes, we just need to give ourselves some grace. We humans are so hard on ourselves. When was the last time you were really kind and compassionate… to yourself? You are probably much kinder and more patient with others–unless you . . . read more

The Gift of Grace


This series explains the energy of each gate around the Emotional Solar Plexus Center so you can learn to harness your natural passions and creative energy to manifest the life you desire. For each gate, we’ll cover the circuitry of . . . read more

Series: Passions of the Solar Plexus #7 – Gate 49 “Revolution and Principles”


This series explains the energy of each gate around the Emotional Solar Plexus Center so you can learn to harness your natural passions and creative energy to manifest the life you desire. For each gate, we’ll cover the circuitry of . . . read more

Series: Passions of the Solar Plexus #6 – Gate 55 “Faith and Abundance”


This series explains the energy of each gate around the Emotional Solar Plexus Center so you can learn to harness your natural passions and creative energy to manifest the life you desire. For each gate, we’ll cover the circuitry of . . . read more

Series: Passions of the Solar Plexus #5 – Gate 30 “Passion”


This series explains the energy of each gate around the Emotional Solar Plexus Center so you can learn to harness your natural passions and creative energy to manifest the life you desire. For each gate, we’ll cover the circuitry of . . . read more

Series: Passions of the Solar Plexus #4 – Gate 36 “Exploration and Adventure”


This series explains the energy of each gate around the Emotional Solar Plexus Center so you can learn to harness your natural passions and creative energy to manifest the life you desire. For each gate, we’ll cover the circuitry of . . . read more

Series: Passions of the Solar Plexus #3 – Gate 22 “Creativity and Grace”


This series explains the energy of each gate around the Emotional Solar Plexus Center so you can learn to harness your natural passions and creative energy to manifest the life you desire. For each gate, we’ll cover the circuitry of . . . read more

Series: Passions of the Solar Plexus #2 – Gate 37 “Peace and Harmony”


This series explains the energy of each gate around the Emotional Solar Plexus Center so you can learn to harness your natural passions and creative energy to manifest the life you desire. For each gate, we’ll cover the circuitry of the . . . read more

Series: Passions of the Solar Plexus #1 – Gate 6 “Impact and Intimacy”


Sun Transiting Through the Gates The “big picture” of the Human Design chart is the mandala that shows the 64 I’Ching hexagrams in the outer circle, the corresponding 64 gate numbers inside that, the 12 astrological signs inside that, and . . . read more

Quick Tip: How the sun and planets “transit” through the Gates


This series explains the energy of each gate around the Will Center so you can learn to leverage willpower and make your impact on the world in ways that are correct for YOU. For each gate, we’ll cover the circuitry . . . read more

Series: Ego Energies of the Will #4 – Gate 40 “Withhold”


This series explains the energy of each gate around the Will Center so you can learn to leverage willpower and make your impact on the world in ways that are correct for YOU. For each gate, we’ll cover the circuitry . . . read more

Series: Ego Energies of the Will #3 – Gate 21 “Control”


This series explains the energy of each gate around the Will Center so you can learn to leverage willpower and make your impact on the world in ways that are correct for YOU. For each gate, we’ll cover the circuitry . . . read more

Series: Ego Energies of the Will #2 – Gate 51 “Compete”


This series explains the energy of each gate around the Will Center so you can learn to leverage willpower and make your impact on the world in ways that are correct for YOU. For each gate, we’ll cover the circuitry of . . . read more

Series: Ego Energies of the Will #1 – Gate 26 “Influence”


This series explains the energy of each Gate around the Throat Center so you will know how to communicate effectively and authentically as YOU. For each gate, we’ll cover the circuitry of the gate, its gifts and challenges, its “voice,” . . . read more

Series: Voices of the Throat #12 – Gate 16 “I Experiment”

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"THE #1 SECRET to Making Better Decisions in
Your Life, Your Career, and Your Relationships"

a Special Report to help every Human Design Type start making better decisions

"Your Journey of Transformation:
An Introduction to Understanding Your 
Human Design Chart"

a short eBook that describes the parts of the Chart so you start to get familiar with them

"The Five Types, Roles, and Strategies of Human Design"

a handy one-page Reference Guide to help you know yourself and others

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Types, Roles & Strategies of Human Design