Evelyn's Blog

Post Group:  Applying Human Design

Category: Personal Growth/Spiritual

Human Design is an incredible tool for personal development and spiritual growth, helping you change every aspect of your life for the better.

Dive into these practical, useful, and fun examples of how to use this knowledge in your life. Start with Featured Posts, then explore the list of All Posts in this category. Click any title to read the full post.

Featured Posts in this Category - recommended reading!

Are you struggling to keep your emotional and spiritual balance during these times of seismic disruption and unprecedented new challenges? . . . read more

Free Webinar: Awaken and Align to Your Soul’s Mission

With the turbulence and stress of the world right now, it is easy to get sucked into that chaos and . . . read more

Scared, Angry, Exhausted? This one’s for YOU!

The Void* is that space between what was and what will be. That interim time and place where you leave . . . read more

Notes from the Void: How did I get here and what do I do next?

Over the course of my lifetime, I’ve thought a lot about how to have a happy and fulfilling life. Especially . . . read more

5 Essential Ingredients for a Great Life!

All Posts in this Category (most recent first)


When I moved last year, from Florida to Virginia, I had an interesting experience with distinguishing which items in my life were essential, which were non-essential, and the importance of each. My Spleen Center is defined on my Human Design . . . read more

Non-Essential vs. Essential


Photo by Jordan Ladikos on Unsplash Here’s a life lesson from my own experience that I hope will serve you. Sometimes life throws us a few curve balls just to make sure we remember how to pivot. By pivot, I . . . read more

Quick Tip: The Power of Pivot


Sometimes, we just need to give ourselves some grace. We humans are so hard on ourselves. When was the last time you were really kind and compassionate… to yourself? You are probably much kinder and more patient with others–unless you . . . read more

The Gift of Grace


Are you struggling to keep your emotional and spiritual balance during these times of seismic disruption and unprecedented new challenges? There has never been a more important time to connect with our spiritual essence and be grounded by our soul’s . . . read more

Free Webinar: Awaken and Align to Your Soul’s Mission


With the turbulence and stress of the world right now, it is easy to get sucked into that chaos and lose connection with your heart and who you truly are. That happens to me occasionally, I must admit. Recently, I . . . read more

Scared, Angry, Exhausted? This one’s for YOU!


The Void* is that space between what was and what will be. That interim time and place where you leave behind what isn’t working, but what’s next has not yet emerged. It’s a time of transition. Re-calibrating. Realigning. Allowing. Surrender. . . . read more

Notes from the Void: How did I get here and what do I do next?


(posted 2020-04-08 during coronavirus pandemic) My dear friend, shaman Alana Blusol, sent me this beautiful message written by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes in 2001. It touched me deeply and is so relevant for giving us hope, inspiration, and empowerment during . . . read more

We were made for these times . . .


[written 3/20/20 about the coronavirus pandemic] First, let me give you a virtual hug. In these days of social distancing I miss the closeness and affection of hugs and cheek kisses. (I’m half French… cheek kisses are important!)  Hugs are . . . read more

Let’s put some context around this craziness…


A few years ago, over the span of a few months two people who are dear to me made their transition back to nonphysical. They “passed away” as we often say. It was hard to watch them go downhill over . . . read more

Quick Tip: Coping with life and death…


I came across this “tool” several years ago and find it very useful for myself and my coaching clients, so I wanted to share it with you. It will help with your progress toward Self-Love. And most of us need . . . read more

Great tool for you… and it’s NOT Human Design!


Do you usually feel good about yourself, or is it a rare occurrence?  Is Self-Love part of your life experience? What would it take to give yourself permission to actually, truly, fully love yourself? Unconditionally. I really want you to . . . read more

Article: Do You Need Permission to Love Yourself?


Here are my Top 5 Tips for THRIVING this year.  Notice I didn’t say “surviving” or “hoping this year will be better than last year.” What I’m sharing with you goes MUCH deeper. It’s about TRANSFORMING how you “do” your . . . read more

Top 5 Tips for THRIVING


According to the teachings of Human Design, all living things are endowed with consciousness. Besides us, this includes mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, and even plants. Yes, all of them! And we all have the same potential for possessing consciousness. In . . . read more

Quick Tip: We’re not alone…


I received such wonderful feedback on my last post about some of us not being designed to have “a Mission” in life (you may read it here), that I wanted to address some questions that came in. First Question One . . . read more

Quick Tip: Having a Mission vs. Having a Life Purpose


I was recently inspired by the website of a business coach/teacher who had done a great job of sharing his beliefs and the foundations on which his business is built. What came out of this inspiration for me was my . . . read more

Quick Tip: Do you have a Mission? (if not, it’s okay, some of us don’t need one)

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"THE #1 SECRET to Making Better Decisions in
Your Life, Your Career, and Your Relationships"

a Special Report to help every Human Design Type start making better decisions

"Your Journey of Transformation:
An Introduction to Understanding Your 
Human Design Chart"

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"The Five Types, Roles, and Strategies of Human Design"

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Types, Roles & Strategies of Human Design