If you are a Projector (or love a Projector), please join our ongoing discussion group about how to be an empowered Projector.
Fellow Projector Robin Gallob has teamed up with me to create a safe space to explore what really supports and makes a difference for Projectors.
This is the first public appearance of the Empowered Projector Movement—an idea I’d been quietly nurturing for about a year.
The group is open to Projectors and those who love Projectors. It’s completely free and there is no obligation.
It is a closed Facebook group, so you’ll need to click the link below to request to join. You’ll be asked 3 questions so we can learn a little about you before you’re given access.
There are some GREAT discussions going on right now, and everyone is learning so much from each other’s experiences.
As moderators, Robin and I occasionally post discussion questions, and we encourage sharing, exploration, and engagement with the group. Our role is to listen, facilitate, and support. Excellent “real world” issues get posted by members, which elicit experiences, wisdom, and resources from fellow members. It’s a treasure trove of insights and support!
Our purpose with this group is to empower as many Projectors as possible—because the world needs as many empowered Projectors as it can get!!
Projectors have a vital role to play in the consciousness evolution of humanity. We need to feel and be SELF-empowered so we can correctly guide others. And so we can have a great life in the process! Martyrdom is NOT an option. 😉
> Click HERE to join the Empowered Projector Movement Group >>