Calling everyone, especially all Projectors and those who love Projectors!
The theme of this year's conference is Fulfilling Your Potential, open to all Types.
As a Projector myself, I'm thrilled that the conference will be specifically showcasing Projectors!
Yours truly has been invited to give the Opening Keynote address the first night of the conference, as well as lead one of the many fantastic workshops.
PLUS I've been asked to present a half-day pre-conference workshop, on Becoming an Empowered Projector.
Here is an exclusive coupon code for $97 off of my pre-conference workshop: EBIRDEMPOWERED
Learn more and register for the conference and pre-conference workshops here >>
And remember to use the coupon code for a discount on my pre-conference workshop!
You can also scroll down for details about the workshops, conference, and my book.
EXPLORE the two optional pre-conference workshops
Becoming an Empowered Projector Workshop
with Evelyn Levenson
Join me for this optional pre-conference workshop on Friday, September 8, as I guide you to your truly empowered life. Using my groundbreaking, best selling book Becoming an Empowered Projector as the foundation, I will walk you through the five steps to becoming empowered and take you beyond the book to be able to integrate these steps into your life in real-time.
You will learn to embrace your vital role on the planet, use your aura mechanics in alignment with your design, address your Projector Pain, heal your wounds, and engage your unique genius, so you can flow through life with much greater ease to achieve the sweet success you’ve always known you deserve.
This will be a safe space for learning, interacting, asking questions, and deeply integrating the lessons and steps. You will be able to apply these lessons right away and experience the powerful difference when you fully step into and express your natural and authentic Projector Power.
our focus will be to integrate, apply, and embody the 5 steps to becoming an empowered projector
and remember to get $97 off the workshop with this coupon code: EBIRDEMPOWERED
You may attend in-person or virtually; discount does not apply to the Conference Ticket
Please note: you can attend this pre-conference workshop without attending the conference
The VIP Writing By Design Workshop
with Karen Curry Parker & Michelle Vandepas
This optional pre-conference workshop on Thursday, September 7, will help you discover the best way for you to write -- whether it's books, sales copy, podcast and blogs, even social media posts. What style will help you most?
Please note: you can attend this pre-conference workshop without attending the conference
Are you a Projector and want to get a headstart on the Conference?
Read or listen to my book.

Becoming an Empowered Projector is available in paperback, digital, and audiobook formats.
To get your copy, click below.

what people say
Book Reviews
Must read
This is one of the best human design books I have ever read (and I’ve read lots!) If you are a projector or have a close loved one who is, this book is a non negotiable!!! As a projector, having an entire book dedicated to helping me understand myself is one of the greatest gifts I could have asked for!
WOW Did this book help me make sense of my life and work? YES YES YES
This book was both fascinating and super useful. It helped me make sense of so much of my life experiences and career path. Get this book today if you are a projector. It's enlightening and will help relationships, work, money, fulfillment, happiness, health, harmony, wellbeing, everything!
lisa tener
What I have waited for my whole life
Thank you for giving me a manual of how to proceed in life!!! Yes, as a projector we suffer until we know that we need to wait to be invited. You brought all the principles of what it means to be a projector into a focus that I could study, learn and embody more empowering techniques than ever before. 10 stars out of five Evelyn. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!
A most empowering guide for Projectors and all who love them
If you want to recognize and understand more about yourself and those in your life you love and support who play the role of a Projector, this is the book for you. Evelyn is by far the most informed person I have met regarding being a Projector. She not only understands this role but also lives it, demonstrates it and shares it with crystal clarity. The information in this book is both detailed and organized in a way that is easy and delightful to read.
heart fulll
theme: fulfilling your potential!
Join us for the 2023
International Human Design Conference
Imagine a live gathering of 100 people joined by hundreds more online, sharing, learning, networking and embodying their Human Design. Imagine this gathering being led by a team of some of the world’s leading Projectors and other power Human Design teachers. Imagine being trained BY PROJECTORS and others, who inherently understand what it means to be a successful Projector in business, to be a Projector parent and a powerful Projector leader.
Imagine, all of this happening in a stunning luxury hotel overlooking Pikes Peak in beautiful Colorado Springs, Colorado (or from the comfort of your home, live, and virtually). Join us for this very special Human Design Press event, the International Human Design Conference. Theme: Fulfilling Your Potential!
Whether you’re new to Human Design or a seasoned expert, this year’s Annual International Human Design Conference promises to give you the inspiration and information you need to connect more deeply with your understanding of Human Design, with yourself, and with others.
Specific topics for the Conference workshops will be announced soon.
September 8-10, 2023
in Colorado Springs, CO USA *OR* attend virtually
Conference Ticket early bird July price of $295 USD
is good through August 10 - price will go up after that