Specialty Readings

Specialty Human Design readings go beyond the basics to reveal the deeper

Who You Are!

Where the gold  is...

Your Human Design chart holds deep truths about your spiritual challenges, life purpose, major lessons, opportunities for growth, relationship dynamics, and much more. 

Specialty Readings explore these deeper aspects and help you align fully with the Truth of Who You Are so you can create a truly authentic life... as you choose it to be.

After you've had a basic reading with me (or a qualified professional), you are ready to dig deeper...

(Haven't had a basic reading yet? Click here)

Human Design Readings
75-minute sessions

Go deeper into your own chart or explore dynamics of your important relationships

Quick Alignment
Human Design Readings
30-minute sessions

Choose a quick but powerful supplement to your basic understanding of your chart

Life Cycle
Human Design Readings
75-minute sessions

Learn to catalyze major growth spurts at key transformational points in your life

All Readings include:

  • a live, private, interactive session using Zoom; you can have video on or off---your choice
  • a video and audio recording of the session, plus an automatically generated written transcript (download within 30 days)
  • a 12-minute pre-recorded "Introduction to Your Reading" audio to listen to before your first session
  • my exclusive Human Design 101 ebook in PDF format, immediately after purchase, which covers basic Human Design concepts
  • a customized Specialty chart specific to your reading.

You must have had a Basic Reading with me or a qualified Human Design professional before having a Specialty Reading (see FAQs below).

If you are interested in more than one Specialty Reading, consider a Deep Reading Package or Custom Reading Package (you get a better deal that way!).

Transformational Human Design Readings

Choose any Transformational Human Design Reading
for $347 USD each

Once you've had a basic reading and understand your fundamentals, you may be ready to: 

  • explore deeper aspects of YOU (Deep Dive Reading)
  • see your chart and your life from a completely unique perspective (Soul Purpose Alignment Reading), and
  • use the wisdom and energy mechanics of Human Design to understand your relationship dynamics (Relationship Reading).

Each of these readings brings a new and deeper experience in applying Human Design to your life---and in stepping up the quality of your choices, your results, your relationship with others, and the way you view yourself. See details of each below.

You are welcome to mix and match any of these 75-minute Specialty Readings with any of the 75-minute Life Cycle Readings (further down this page) to put together your Deep Reading Package or Custom Reading Package of sessions. Or, choose any single session below.

Remember, you must have had a Basic Reading with me or with a qualified Human Design professional before having a Transformational Specialty Reading (see FAQs below).

DEEP DIVE reading

If it’s been a little while since your basic reading, you may want a “tune up” refresher reading or an opportunity to “go deep” into specific aspects of your chart. Hopefully, you’ve taken time to apply and experience what you learned, and now you may have some specific questions or new issues that have arisen. This reading goes deeper into your chart anywhere that you now need more depth, and continues tying the pieces together so you see and feel how all aspects of YOU fit together as your complete and Authentic Self. 

  • In this 75-minute intermediate-level reading session, delve into the nuances, circuitry, openness, definition, etc. of your Human Design chart's energetic blueprint. Bring specific questions if you have them, or let me guide you through this deeply integrated exploration of your chart.
  • This is a longer version of the the 30-minute Focus Session Reading described below. This longer length is for topics you want to spend a little more time on, to fully explore them. 
  • In addition to answering your questions and looking at specific issues, I will also tie our discussion to the rest of your chart and how other aspects of your design impact your challenges and blessings. 

A Deep Dive Reading is $347 USD and includes a private, interactive 75-minute session via Zoom, video and audio recordings, and the exclusive Human Design 101 ebook in PDF format.

After your purchase and completion of your chart data form on the Thank You page, you'll receive a link to make your appointment online.

**Now booking appointments for May and June**


This reading helps you create Quantum Alignment in your life by discovering your Soul Purpose, aligning it with your Life Purpose, and stepping confidently into your self-empowered, fully expressed, and fully integrated Quantum Life!

  • This unique way of looking at your chart identifies your Soul Purpose (from the conscious aspects of your chart) as distinct from your Life Purpose (from the unconscious aspects of your chart). The integration of these two dynamics forms your Quantum Purpose which provides a guiding beacon for you for the rest of your life.
  • You'll receive a custom-created chart showing your conscious energies as a separate chart from your unconscious energies, then bringing them back together into a full chart.
  • For each separate chart, I create a purpose statement for you that I share with your during the reading, after exploring every gate energy in each of those charts. Your "homework" is to tailor each purpose statement so it resonates fully with you. 
  • Your deeper homework is to create an integrated Quantum Purpose Statement that fully embodies both aspects of yourself and that can serve to guide you as you move through life. This dynamic purpose statement is intended to be adapted and expanded as you grow and evolve.


A Soul Purpose Alignment Reading is $347 USD and includes a private, interactive 75-minute session via Zoom, video and audio recordings, the exclusive Human Design 101 ebook in PDF format, and a custom chart showing your conscious and unconscious charts separately.

After your purchase and completion of your chart data form on the Thank You page, you'll receive a link to make your appointment online.

**Now booking appointments for May and June**


Discover the energy dynamics in your most important relationships… and how to improve those relationships. You will learn the issues and flows between you and a spouse, romantic partner, business partner, parent, child, sibling, best friend, etc.

  • Using two Personal Human Design Charts combined into one Composite Chart, we explore the compatibilities, harmonies, and balances in the energetic foundations of the relationship as well as possible areas of challenges (and what to do about them). 
  • The other person does not need to be in the session with you, but they can join if they wish and if you want them to.
  • The other person does not need to know about this session unless you choose to tell them. Most of my Relationship Reading clients just want to know how to understand, love, and support the other person, which also helps them deepen their understanding of themselves.


Here is a blog post about Relationship Composite Charts

A Relationship Reading is $347 USD and includes a private, interactive 75-minute session via Zoom, video and audio recordings, the exclusive Human Design 101 ebook in PDF format, and a custom composite chart combining your Human Design chart with the other person's.

After your purchase and completion of your chart data form on the Thank You page, you'll receive a link to make your appointment online.

**Now booking appointments for May and June**

Quick Alignment Human Design Readings

Choose any Quick Alignment Human Design Reading
for $197 USD each

Some topics are just better suited to a shorter and very focused session. These two readings are perfect for the 30-minute length: (see details below)

  • The Life Path and Soul Mission Reading focuses exclusively on two potent aspects of your chart---your Chiron energies (Soul Mission) and your Incarnation Cross (Life Path).
  • The Focus Session Reading offers a concentrated look at particular aspects of your chart you want to more deeply understand, including specific chart-based questions, such as job or career changes, life choices, or relationship issues.

Remember, you must have had a Basic Reading with me or a qualified Human Design professional before having a Quick Alignment Specialty Reading (see FAQs below).

life path and soul mission reading

Do you ever wonder what you’re REALLY here for, at your soul level? Your basic Human Design reading covered the fundamentals of your chart, but now you’re hungry for more details and your deeper purpose.

  • Delve into your Chiron energies, which describe the lessons your soul came into this life to heal and master--your soul's mission. This provides the “backdrop” against which your life plays out, and helps you understand those stubborn challenges that keep repeating until you get them right. Then they become the gifts you are destined to share with others.
  • Explore your Incarnation Cross and its four gate energies, all of which indicate your life path as shown in your Human Design. This is the plot line or story arc of this lifetime for you, giving you a thematic road map for navigating life’s opportunities and challenges.
  • You will receive a version of your Human Design birth chart that includes your Incarnation Cross and the specific Chiron energies you were born into.

LEARN MUCH MORE ABOUT THIS READING HERE where you can also purchase a COMBO offer that bundles this 30-minute Life Path and Soul Mission Reading with a 75-minute Basic Reading or Specialty Reading. 

A Life Path and Soul Mission Reading is $197 USD and includes a private, interactive 30-minute session via Zoom, video and audio recordings, and the exclusive Human Design 101 ebook in PDF format. (Available for $177 USD for a limited time.)

After your purchase and completion of your chart data form on the Thank You page, you'll receive a link to make your appointment online.

**Now booking appointments for May and June**


You've had a Basic Reading with me or other qualified professional. Maybe you've done some further research online or through Human Design books and webinars. And you've been experimenting with all you have learned. You have a good grasp of the foundational parts of your chart, but now you have a specific issue or question you want to tackle. 

  • In this 30-minute highly focused reading session, delve into key aspects of your chart or specific questions you may have.
  • This is a shorter version of the the 75-minute Deep Dive Reading described above. This shorter length is for topics you want to zero-in on that you don't need the full 75 minutes to explore.
  • In addition to answering your questions and looking at specific issues, I will also tie the discussion to the rest of your chart and explain how other aspects of your design impact these issues. 

A Focus Session Reading is $197 USD and includes a private, interactive 30-minute session via Zoom, video and audio recordings, and the exclusive Human Design 101 ebook in PDF format.

After your purchase and completion of your chart data form on the Thank You page, you'll receive a link to make your appointment online.

**Now booking appointments for May and June**

Life Cycle Human Design Readings
75-Minute Sessions

Choose any Life Cycle Human Design Reading
for $347 USD each

Life gives us plenty of opportunities to learn and grow! When planets are in specific positions relative to where they were at our birth, they indicate transitions into new major cycles in our life experience which dramatically affect the paths we choose. When we do our personal growth work and pay attention to our alignment and authenticity, our transitions into and through these major cycles are smooth. When we're not living true to Who We Are, these transitions give us fresh opportunities to gain clarity, dig a little deeper, and assess how we're doing so we can intentionally align with our Truth for that cycle. 

Remember, you must have had a Basic Reading with me or a qualified Human Design professional before having a Life Cycle Specialty Reading (see FAQs below).

solar return reading

Each year brings new opportunities for personal growth, and we draw to us the people and circumstances that challenge us to grow. Around your birthday each year, find out what you’ll be attracting in the coming year. Some people give themselves this Reading as a birthday gift every year!

  • Around the time of each of your birthdays, the sun returns to its original position as when you were born. This begins a new Solar Cycle for you and brings new opportunities to be the fullest expression of YOU and all of your potential.
  • Using an exact calculation of your new Solar Return Chart, I explore with you the energetic themes you will experience through your relationships with others during the coming 12-month period and how they will affect you and your Human Design chart.
  • This Reading can be done at any time of year but is most useful sometime near your birthday.

A Solar Return Reading is $347 USD and includes a private, interactive 75-minute session via Zoom, video and audio recordings, customized Solar Return composite chart, and the exclusive Human Design 101 ebook in PDF format.

After your purchase and completion of your chart data form on the Thank You page, you'll receive a link to make your appointment online.

**Now booking appointments for May and June**

chiron return reading

If you are 48-52 years old (or any age, really) and struggling in your life, you may not have fully mastered your spiritual challenges yet. The Chiron gate energies on your Human Design chart represent your spiritual lessons in this life, and until those challenges are met you may wrestle with those issues.

Understanding your Chiron energies and how to work with them can ease your transition into this next phase of growth at the transition point of your Chiron Return. A Chiron Return Reading can help you know what to expect in your process of truly healing and resolving these issues so you can then help others with similar challenges.

  • At approximately 50 years of age (give or take a few years), the minor planet Chiron returns to its exact original position as when you were born and this begins a new Chiron Cycle for you giving you fresh opportunities to address these challenges.
  • Chiron is called the “wounded healer” in Human Design and astrology and represents the spiritual, soul-level challenges you are here to master in this lifetime. The gift of these challenges is the opportunity for personal/spiritual growth and for coming into alignment with the truth of Who You Are so you can create and enjoy the life you were designed for.
  • If you haven't embraced these challenges and healed your related wounds by age 50 (if not before), then the shift into your new Chiron cycle can be tumultuous and a Chiron Return Reading can help. Even if you have resolved and healed these soul-level issues, this Reading will help you know what to look for in your continued growth and contribution to others in your new Chiron cycle.
  • Using the Gate energies activated by Chiron on your personal Human Design Chart as well as an exact calculation of your Chiron Return Chart, we will explore the energetic themes you will experience through your relationships during the new cycle, and how they will support and challenge your soul's mission and your continuing mastery of these spiritual challenges.
  • Chiron Return Readings are especially helpful for people who have a “6” in their Profile—3/6, 4/6, 6/2, 6/3. This life cycle point marks their transition into the Role Model phase of their personality profile. But Chiron Return information is helpful to everyone for embracing and embodying their spiritual learning, their spiritual healing, and their ability to help others.

A Chiron Return Reading is $347 USD and includes a private, interactive 75-minute session via Zoom, video and audio recordings, customized Chiron Return composite chart, and the exclusive Human Design 101 ebook in PDF format. 

After your purchase and completion of your chart data form on the Thank You page, you'll receive a link to make your appointment online.

**Now booking appointments for May and June**

saturn return reading

If you are in your late 20s or early 30s and your transition into maturity is a bit rocky, a Saturn Return Reading can help clarify the issues you need to solve and integrate so you can move forward in alignment with your Authentic Self and step into your natural maturity.

If you are in your mid-late 50s and it feels like your life is challenging in one or more areas, or just not as smooth or fulfilling as you'd like, it might be unresolved Saturn issues trying to get your attention. A Saturn Return Reading at this stage will help you clarify and master these lessons so you can reap the rewards that have been just beyond your reach and step into full alignment with your Truth.

  • Approximately every 28 years (give or take a few), Saturn returns to its exact original position as when you were born and this begins a new Saturn Cycle for you.
  • The first Saturn Return (at around age 28-30) takes us from youth to maturity. The second Saturn Return (at around age 56, give or take) takes us from maturity to wisdom. If we don’t do our “work” to evolve at these times, the Saturn themes in our personal Human Design chart will keep showing up with greater and greater intensity.
  • Using the Gate energies activated by Saturn on your personal Human Design Chart as well as an exact calculation of your Saturn Return Chart for your specific new cycle, I will explore with you the energetic themes you will experience through relationships during this cycle as part of your personal growth and expansion.

A Saturn Return Reading is $347 USD and includes a private, interactive 75-minute session via Zoom, video and audio recordings, customized Saturn Return composite chart, and the exclusive Human Design 101 ebook in PDF format. 

After your purchase and completion of your chart data form on the Thank You page, you'll receive a link to make your appointment online.

**Now booking appointments for May and June**

uranus opposition reading (or uranus return reading)

If you are around 40-44 years of age and want to feel confident about your life themes and directions as you mature and step into your full power, a Uranus Opposition Reading can help.

If you are near the 80-84 year age range, a Uranus Return Reading will help you learn about the wisdom you've earned and the energy themes you will draw to you as your next Uranus cycle begins.

  • The planet Uranus takes about 84 years to complete its orbit around the sun. The halfway point around its orbit is called the Opposition position.
  • At approximately age 42 we each experience our Uranus Opposition which is a point of maturity in the Human Design chart—for everyone except those who have a “6” in their Profile (see Chiron Return above). This is the point at which our South Node life themes—prominent from birth until age 40—switch over to our North Node life themes—which take on prominence from age 40 onward.
  • For the Uranus Opposition Reading, I use the Gate energies activated by your North and South Nodes on your personal Human Design Chart as well as an exact calculation of your Uranus Opposition Chart to explore with you your new, mature life themes and the energies you will draw to you during the next 42-year cycle to help you live out those themes.
  • For the Uranus Return Reading, I use the Gate energies activated by your North Nodes on your personal Human Design Chart as well as an exact calculation of your Uranus Return Chart to look at your transition into your next level of wisdom and the energies you will draw to you in this new cycle to help you elevate those themes.

A Uranus Opposition/Return Reading is $347 USD and includes a private, interactive 75-minute session via Zoom, video and audio recordings, customized Uranus Opposition or Return composite chart, and the exclusive Human Design 101 ebook in PDF format. 

After your purchase and completion of your chart data form on the Thank You page, you'll receive a link to make your appointment online.

**Now booking appointments for May and June**

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need a Basic Reading before having any of these Specialty Readings?

For several reasons.

  1. A basic reading builds your crucial "foundation of awareness" about your unique energy configuration, personality style, and behavior patterns. THEN, the Specialty Readings will build upon that foundation and will be more meaningful and useful to you.
  2. A basic reading gives you an understanding of how to apply your personal decision-making Strategy and Authority. All the other aspects of your chart (including Specialty Reading topics) cannot be fully experienced and expressed unless you are actively using your Strategy and Authority and living in alignment with your Type.
  3. There is a tremendous amount of information available from your Human Design chart but it is hard to synthesize it and make it useful without a trained professional to guide you. Their synthesis in your basic reading will help you to be prepared for your Specialty Readings.

I do personal readings a bit differently than many others, so I encourage you have a basic reading with me (even if you’ve already had a reading) so you are as prepared as possible for getting the most benefit and value from your Specialty Reading. However, if you are confident that you are ready for a Specialty Reading… I will absolutely trust you on that.

What if I haven't had a Basic Reading yet?

If you're interested in Specialty Readings but have not had a Basic Reading yet, your best options are the Custom Reading or Deep Reading packages where you can combine your choice of a Basic with the Specialty Readings that most interest you.

What else do I need to do to be ready for a Specialty Reading?

Review whatever Basic Reading you have already had, and practice applying what you learned into your life. The more aligned with your design you are, the more value you will receive from your Specialty Readings.

What if I want one of the 30-minute Specialty Readings as part of a Custom Reading or Deep Reading?

Let me know what you want when we have our first session and we will work out how to integrate the 30-minute reading you want into one of your regular-length sessions.

Can I get a Chiron Return Reading before I turn 50?

Absolutely. In fact, I encourage it so you can be aware of what to expect and what to look for as you approach this important transition point in your life. While there is a specific date and time for the exact moment of any planetary return for you, the transition itself does not happen all at once--it phases in gradually. So it is helpful to recognize the shifts and the energies brought to you by others that are facilitating those shifts.

How can a Relationship Reading help my relationship?

When you understand the other person's design and how their energies and your energies affect each other, you have an enhanced capacity for patience and forgiveness (for yourself and for that person) and you know how to leverage the positive flows and minimize the friction.

You will have an easier time letting that person be themselves while also being able to bring out the best in them and help them thrive.

What if I don't know my exact birth time? Can I still get a Reading?

Yes. Let me know as much as you know about the general time of day of your birth. Then I will create a chart for every two hours during that time (or during the whole day). If the chart changes significantly across those times, I will ask you questions at the start of your first reading session, and together we will determine which chart is the best fit for you.

There is usually minimal movement of the transits over a 24-hour period, with the exception of the moon. Even if there is a change in Type and Profile, the large majority of the gates and channels in your chart will be completely accurate.

I'm older than 50. Every year I have a Solar Return Reading, but will I also benefit from another Specialty Return reading?

Solar Return Readings are a wonderful annual birthday gift to yourself! They show you the energies you will draw to you during the 12 months following your birthday and how those energies will affect you, your chart, and your growth during that period. 

The other Return Readings address larger cycles in your life and will help you navigate those transitional times with awareness, confidence, and maximum success for your personal growth and impact.

Do you have other questions?

Send me an email, [email protected], and I'll do my best to answer it!