Full Human Design Reading 

a Basic Reading

Let's go in-depth with the foundations of your Human Design chart

A Full Reading is for you if:

  • You are early in your Human Design process and want to understand all foundational aspects of your chart.
  • You've been piecing together info about your design for a while and you're ready to fully synthesize those pieces and finally make sense of your chart and your life.

Your Full Reading will help you to know who you are
and make better decisions that align with your energy
and create more success in your life, career, and relationships.

In three highly informative 75-minute sessions, you will thoroughly understand:

  • Your Type
  • Strategy
  • Authority
  • Profile
  • Undefined Centers
  • Defined Centers
  • Defined Channels
  • Defined Gates

Having this foundation of understanding will accelerate your journey of personal growth and transformation in ways that will astound and delight you!

Your Human Design chart shows your energetic "wiring" which determines:

  • who you are at your core
  • your personality style and characteristics
  • why you are here, and
  • how you can uniquely fulfill your purpose and live YOUR authentic life.

Most of us struggle to trust ourselves and our instincts. A Full Reading will show you how to allow your life to flow in natural alignment with your Authentic Self toward the fulfillment of your purpose for being here.

Let me introduce myself

I'm Evelyn Levenson and I LOVE helping people discover themselves! Before my first Human Design reading, I felt so lost. I appeared successful on the outside, but inside I was confused, unsure of myself, and pretty miserable. I didn't know who I really was, didn't trust myself or my instincts, and couldn't figure out how to be fulfilled and engaged with life without burning out!

Understanding the basics of my Human Design chart changed everything for me. Now, my passion is helping others discover Who They Are so they can begin to truly know, like, and trust themselves, and step into their magnificent potential. I would be honored to help you on your journey with a Full Reading--my favorite way to introduce people to their chart.

Here are a few benefits of a Full Reading

  • Know how to make better decisions for YOU, that align with your energy and your truth.
  • Be able to take effective actions that maximize your ease, joy and success, and help you fulfill your purpose.
  • Start to re-build your resiliency (the ability to handle whatever happens to you and bounce back quickly).
  • Resonate with the TRUTH of your energetic “wiring” so you can move forward with confidence and trust yourself.
  • See exactly how YOU fit into the bigger picture of humanity and know exactly how to play your ROLE so that everyone wins.
  • Experience relief from unhealthy stress, pressure and self-criticism, as well as from the judgments of others.
  • Improve your decision-making process, strengthen your confidence, enhance your ability to navigate life's challenges, and exponentially grow your levels of self-awareness and self-trust.
  • Know that you are magnificent and perfect just as you are—you are not broken!
  • Re-take your Personal Power -- maybe for the first time! -- and wield it wisely.
  • Gain a fully integrated view of yourself and your chart through the three sessions of your Full Reading.
  • KNOW without hesitation that BEING YOURSELF is all you need to BE and DO… and that it’s much easier than you thought it would be!

What you can expect from your Full Reading

These are the key pieces of self-knowledge available from your Full Reading and the bonus materials provided:

  • The ROLE you are here to play in this life
  • How to make decisions and take actions in alignment with your natural energy structure so you create positive FLOW in your life
  • How your definition affects your relationships
  • Your authentic personality style, how you learn, and how you interact with others
  • Your potential vulnerabilities (energetically) and how to minimize them
  • How to maximize and leverage your wisdom
  • How to operate from your strengths and stay true to your course
  • Your super-powers and how to leverage them
  • How others perceive you
  • What grounds you and reconnects you with yourself
  • What drives you
  • The life themes that affect your youth and the ones that affect your maturity
  • What and how you are designed to communicate to the world
  • The life lessons and spiritual challenges YOU are here to master
  • The blessings and personal growth YOU are designed to receive as rewards for mastering your lessons and challenges
  • The energies affecting your spiritual path and how to navigate this path

One of the ways I am different from other Human Design practitioners is that I adapt the content of your sessions to address your questions, needs, issues, and the level of knowledge you already have. So, your Reading may not cover every item listed above--to allow time for what you MOST need to know about your chart.

With three sessions of 75 minutes each, there is time to explore the nuances of your chart and your related life experiences. If you want a quicker review of your chart, consider an Initial Reading instead.

What is included with your Full Reading

  • THREE live, private, interactive 75-minute sessions using Zoom; we can have the video on or off---your choice
  • a video and audio recording of each session, plus an automatically generated written transcript of each (download within 30 days)
  • a 12-minute pre-recorded "Introduction to Your Reading" audio to listen to before your first session
  • instructions for your pre-session "homework"-- so you can get the most value from our time together
  • three special bonuses (see below)

Your Bonuses

These gifts come with your Full Reading---to help you on your Human Design path of self-awareness and self-empowerment. They will prepare you to integrate the details from your sessions. 

Bonus #1 - Ebook

Human Design 101: A Crash Course in Aligning with Your Authentic Self

This 56-page instantly downloadable ebook is a powerful, positive step towards YOUR self-empowerment through understanding your personal Human Design!  It covers basic Human Design concepts.

Each of the 7 Modules of this course addresses an area of Human Design that is fundamental to discovering and aligning with your Authentic Self. Written in plain language with an emphasis on practical applications, these Modules will walk you through your personal journey of self-discovery.

At the end of each Module, you’ll find several immediate things you can to do to deepen your understanding and begin integrating the material of that Module.

Bonus #2 - Audios on your Type

From my Success By TYPE Home Study Course Series for Your Type

To give you solid grounding in understanding YOUR Human Design Type, you’ll receive instant access to over 3 hours of recordings (with transcripts) from a class taught specifically about YOUR TYPE. You’ll get MUCH more value from your Full Reading sessions if you listen to these recordings first.

The most powerful place to begin (or continue) a personal transformation journey is by deeply understanding and LIVING your life in alignment with YOUR Human Design Type.

Bonus #3 - Blueprint form

Track what you learn about yourself on an expandable tracking sheet

This is a simple but powerful form (a fillable PDF) to help you keep track of, integrate, AND APPLY all the vital and valuable information about yourself that you learn from your Reading and the related materials you receive. You will have immediate access to the form so you can begin using it as soon as you start to study your other two bonuses.

Comparison: Initial Reading vs. Full Reading

You may be wondering how this Full Reading compares with an Initial Reading. (They are both "basic" readings, and both ideal for someone new to Human Design.)

My personal favorite is the Full Reading because I LOVE sharing as much as I can with clients about their Human Design charts, and I know they get tremendous value from our three detailed sessions together.

But I know not everyone is ready for that level of depth and detail, so I created the Initial Reading!

Here is a side-by-side comparison:

Initial Reading

Full Reading

1-on-1 time with me

1 session of 75 min.

3 sessions of 75 min. each

Time between sessions to integrate and experiment

No (not applicable)

Yes, client-driven timing of sessions

Time at beginning of next sessions for questions/insights

No (not applicable)


Session conducted by Zoom



Session(s) recorded; video, audio, and transcript files provided



Pre-recorded Introduction to Your Reading



Personalized list of questions and affirmations for your Energy Centers



Bonus #1

Human Design 101 ebook

Human Design 101 ebook

Bonus #2

1-hour audio recording about YOUR TYPE

(from my Success By Type course)

Over 3 hours of audio recordings, with transcripts, about YOUR TYPE

(from my Success By Type course)

Bonus #3

30-Minute Follow Up call one or two weeks after your Reading

“Blueprint to your Authentic Self” form to help you organize all the knowledge you will learn about yourself

Your investment for this personal growth and self-empowerment

$347 USD

$897 USD

3-Payment Option available


Yes - $317/month for 3 months


Purchase Your Full Reading

**Now booking appointments for May and June**

Choose your payment plan:


$ 897 USD

Three 75-minute sessions, recordings, bonuses

Schedule your sessions as available and to suit your preferred timing


3 x  $ 317 USD

Three 75-minute sessions, recordings, bonuses

Schedule one session for after each of your 3 monthly payments, beginning with today's first payment

Here's what happens after your purchase...

After your order goes through, you'll receive a Welcome email that gives you:

  • instant access to your Bonus downloadable ebook
  • instant access to your Bonus downloadable MP3 recordings and written transcripts about your Type
  • details of your “homework” to complete before your first Reading Session
  • recording of the Introduction to Your Reading
  • a link to my online calendar so you can immediately schedule your Reading Sessions with me
  • instructions for making your appointments online

After making your appointments online, you’ll receive appointment confirmation emails with call details and also a link for rescheduling (if that need arises). You’ll also receive several reminder emails with call details before your appointments.

Please complete your Full Reading Sessions within six months of purchase, if possible.

Are You Ready to Change Your Life?

You don’t need to spend another moment confused, frustrated, angry, stuck, overwhelmed, or unfulfilled.

Allow me to guide you to self-empowerment through the profound self-knowledge of Human Design.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don't know my exact birth time? Can I still get a Reading?

Yes. Let me know as much as you know about the general time of day of your birth. Then I will create a chart for every two hours during that time (or during the whole day). If the chart changes significantly across those times, I will ask you questions at the start of your first reading session, and together we will determine which chart is the best fit for you.

There is usually minimal movement of the transits over a 24-hour period, with the exception of the moon. Even if there is a change in Type and Profile, the large majority of the gates and channels in your chart will be completely accurate.

If I've had a reading with someone else, should I still get a Basic Reading with you?

I do personal readings a bit differently than many others, so I encourage you have a Basic Reading with me (even if you’ve already had a reading) so you are as prepared as possible for getting the most benefit and value from your Human Design chart. 

A Basic Reading builds your crucial "foundation of awareness" about your unique energy configuration, personality style, and behavior patterns. It's important that your foundation is both thorough and practical, so you can immediately apply what you learn to your life.

I also tailor the content and depth of your reading to adjust to your level of prior knowledge about your chart.

What if I buy a one-session reading and then want to upgrade to a package of readings?

No problem. I can credit the amount you paid for your one-session reading and apply that toward your package of readings. Keep in mind that different bonuses may apply.

What do I need to do to be ready for my first Reading?

Think about what it would be like to be the fullest expression of all of your potential, and to live the life of your dreams. Then bring your curiosity and an open mind to your first session.

Why do I need a Basic Reading (Initial or Full) before having any Specialty Readings?

For several reasons.

  1. A basic reading builds your crucial "foundation of awareness" about your unique energy configuration, personality style, and behavior patterns. THEN, the Specialty Readings will build upon that foundation and will be more meaningful and useful to you.
  2. A basic reading gives you an understanding of how to apply your personal decision-making Strategy and Authority. All the other aspects of your chart (including Specialty Reading topics) cannot be fully experienced and expressed unless you are actively using your Strategy and Authority and living in alignment with your Type.
  3. There is a tremendous amount of information available from your Human Design chart but it is hard to synthesize it and make it useful without a trained professional to guide you. Their synthesis in your basic reading will help you to be prepared for your Specialty Readings.

I do personal readings a bit differently than many others, so I encourage you have a basic reading with me (even if you’ve already had a reading) so you are as prepared as possible for getting the most benefit and value from your Specialty Reading. However, if you are confident that you are ready for a Specialty Reading… I will absolutely trust you on that.

What if I haven't had a Basic Reading yet?

If you are interested in Specialty Readings but have not had a Basic Reading yet, your best options are the Custom Reading or Deep Reading packages where you can combine your choice of a Basic with the Specialty Readings that most interest you.

Do you have other questions?

Send me an email, [email protected], and I'll do my best to answer it!