Quick Spotlight: “Astrologer learns MUCH from Human Design Reading!” 

by Evelyn Levenson

My friend and business training colleague, Debra Sholly, is an accomplished astrologer having studied Astropsychology in depth along with many other modalities. She is also a gifted intuitive, and she gives her clients various types of astrology readings, intuitive sessions, energy healings, and related services.

Because of all this study and work on herself, she felt quite comfortable that she knew herself well.

But she had always struggled to understand her impulses, why she was so rebellious against her parents’ control, and why she suffered (but survived) many physical accidents. These things, and several others, still baffled her.

Human Design showed that she is a Manifestor, and when I explained what that means during her Full Reading… all kinds of light bulbs turned on for her! She suddenly understood so much that had eluded her before, and it gave her a new way to operate more effectively and with greater confidence in her life.

Shortly after her Reading, she wrote to me:

“I cannot express to you how much my human design reading helped me to see myself in a new light! Being an astrologer I have gained so much from the art in knowing myself and others. Human Design gave me a whole new perspective on the unique energies that I carry and how to work with them in a way that will move my life and work forward in a way that is uniquely my own.”

A few weeks later, she added:

“I have to tell you, Evelyn, I feel so freed up! Money seems to be coming to me, a job, and I even got asked out on a date today! Such confirmation for doing what I feel is right. I finally feel like I am getting back to the real me and putting the past to rest. Thank you for the wonderful information you shared with me. I feel it was so much a part of all of this!!”

Core Message: Each system of self-knowledge offers a unique perspective about YOU. It’s like each system is looking into the same “room”—which contains who YOU are—but peering in through different windows. They’re seeing mostly the same “stuff” just from different angles and with different levels of detail. Each has its validity and its usefulness.

I had my own astrology reading from Debra and it gave me some wonderful perspectives and understandings that I didn’t have before.


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