I have a Projector client in her early 30’s who is a 3/5 Profile and has only three centers Defined (Will, Spleen and Root).
When she came to me for a Full Reading, she was struggling to find her life’s purpose, handle low energy levels, depression, and fear of intimacy, and figure out how to earn a living pursuing her many creative skills and endeavors.
She took five months to complete her three Reading sessions with me, which gave her time to deeply integrate and experiment with what she was learning. This was a great approach for her. Most clients go through their Reading much faster… but faster isn’t always better! 😉
By the time we began her third session, she shared with me the following breakthroughs and progress:
- Big observations and improvements in timing, allowing things to flow, and not forcing things to happen
- No longer mad at herself for not having energy; learning to manage her energy
- Recognizing she needs to plan rest time after big events
- Not taking things so personally any more
- Feeling less needy and less desperate
- Figuring out how to manage the energy coming in to her Open Centers and not get caught up in other people’s “stuff”
- Catching herself “in the moment” in old patterns and habits, and delighting in making new choices
- Waiting to be asked or recognized before speaking and getting much better reactions from people
- Being less anxious about communicating and having an easier time being heard by others (being heard can be a big challenge for an Open Throat)
- Communicating more effectively and finding herself being a better listener (that one really surprised her!)
- Listening to her body better and not exhausting herself as she used to do
- Recognizing real invitations and what she called “different levels of invitation”
- Using her “waiting to be invited” time to hone her skills and do what she loves… making the waiting more pleasurable–and more productive.
- No longer feeling anxious and resentful most of the time—which is how she used to feel but didn’t realize it until she had her Reading
Her experiences with applying Type and Strategy to her life—and producing great results—are terrific examples of what is possible and of the profound difference this information can make in one’s life. She is successfully learning to live in alignment with her True Self and many of the issues she started with are resolving themselves.