If you have a Defined Sacral Center, which is a RED square just above the bottom square on your Chart, you are a Generator or Manifesting Generator.
It’s correct for you to go to bed tired at night, and you typically wake up refreshed and ready for a new day the next morning. It’s like you start each day with a full tank of gas and you need to burn up that fuel so you’re on ‘empty’ by day’s end.
If you’re a Generator or Manifesting Generator and you’re not sleeping well, you may not be getting enough physical activity. You have ‘fuel’ left to burn and it keeps you up at night. Try getting more exercise or any type of physical activity during the day and see if that helps.
By the way, this is also true for Generator and Manifesting Generator CHILDREN. Many kids diagnosed with ADD and ADHD these days are simply Generators or Manifesting Generators who are not getting enough exercise!