Quick Tip: The Key to Better Relationships 

by Evelyn Levenson

Human Design shows us that any relationship can work.

Of course some combinations are easier than others. And it makes sense to choose to be with people that you like and feel comfortable with. That means friendships, family members, romantic relationships, business partnerships, etc.

But there are NO hard-and-fast rules for relationships, like people of the same Type get along best, or certain Profiles shouldn’t be together. “Rules” like that don’t really work.

There are, however, two fundamental keys to improving any relationship:  understanding and patience.

Understanding means knowing who the other person IS… their Design… how they’re “wired” energetically.

Patience means allowing for how they are different from you and accepting them AS they are… warts and all! Differences and all!

Here’s an example. Let’s say you have a Defined Identity (“G”) Center (yellow diamond shape in middle of your Chart) and the other person has an Open Identity Center (white diamond shape). You may be confused or frustrated that the other person seems to have a different personality depending on whom they’re with, and/or that person really struggles with figuring out who they are and what they want to do in life. YOU don’t have those issues and you’re seriously questioning what’s up with them that THEY are having these issues! But those issues are normal for someone with an Open Identity Center. When you know that, you can love and accept them just as they are and gently help them find what is most correct for them. And let go of your frustrations (and any judgments you might have) about it.

One more example. Let’s say you have strong Tribal circuit energy in your chart, so you like to hug and touch and spend time with your friends and loved ones. Let’s say your spouse does not have Tribal energy and you feel underloved (not touched or hugged enough, for example) by him and hurt that he won’t spend time with you and your family. When you understand that he is literally wired differently, you won’t take his behavior so personally and you may be able to ask clearly for what you want. To some extent he can probably learn new behaviors, they just won’t come naturally to him—and it’s not personal!


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