The Root Center, the square at the bottom of the Human Design chart, is the center for adrenaline energy, stress and getting things done. If your chart has that center colored brown/tan, it is DEFINED. If that center is white, it is OPEN.
A DEFINED Root Center can handle stress and pressure reasonably well and has a natural energy “pulse” that is sometimes ON and sometimes OFF. When your energy is ON, great time to get things done. When it’s OFF, obey your pulse as much as possible and take it easy or rest completely. When your energy returns (which it will), you’ll once again feel like doing things.
An OPEN Root Center takes in adrenaline energy and amplifies it, so you can feel under tremendous pressure to get things done. You probably have a never ending “to do” list and never feel FREE because you never get it all done. And you may rush through tasks just to get out from under the pressure. Your freedom and wisdom come when you recognize that it’s just energy, that the pressure is usually self-imposed (and therefore can be negotiated), and that it’s possible—even desirable—to “just be free” even when you still have things to do on your list. You’ll function better when you manage the stress and pressure in your life.
When an Open and a Defined Root Center are in a relationship, the Open Root may interpret the other’s Root energy as pressure, even when no pressure was being exerted. For example, if the Defined Root asks “What’s for dinner?” the Open Root may feel like they have to drop everything and plan dinner or begin preparing dinner and may even feel resentful about the imposition, even though it was simply a question—not a pressure. Awareness, communication, and deliberate releasing of any perceived pressures will help the relationship.