Resource: The Abundance Manifesto 

by Evelyn Levenson

Here is excellent support for increasing abundance and flow in your life… repeat out loud daily for best results!


The Abundance Manifesto

from Karen Curry Parker

1. I am a radiant, magnetic Being.

2. Abundance is my birthright and my natural state.

3. I attract everything I desire into my life with effortlessness and ease.

4. I know that unseen loving forces are supporting me constantly.

5. I focus my attention and energy on having exactly what I want manifest in my life.

6. I am fully open to the magic of the Universe helping me with every step of creation. Miracles happen to me every day.

7. I am deeply grateful for all of my life experiences. I know they are helping me expand my thinking and my consciousness.

8. My positive emotions show me that my attention is in alignment with my desires. I am on my way to creating exactly what I want.

9. I surround myself with people who support my creative process.

10. Abundant opportunities are always presenting themselves to me.

11. Creation is a constantly evolving process. I am always doing it right! I am always growing and changing!

12. I take guided actions that are in alignment with my desires and beliefs.

13. I am fully supported, deeply loved and magnificently powerful! I am an unlimited Child of the Universe.


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