Series: Fears of the Spleen #2 – Gate 18 “Fear of Not Being Perfect” 

by Evelyn Levenson

This series explains the energy of each gate around the Spleen Center (these are known as the Fear Gates) so you can learn to master your fears and become unstoppable—in ways that are correct for YOU. For each gate, we’ll cover the circuitry of the gate, its gifts and challenges, its “fear,” and practical ways to apply this information. The Introduction to this series can be found here.


Every gate energy belongs to particular circuitry within the chart, which is like an electrical circuit board. This circuitry shows the evolutionary role of the gate energy and how the energy moves through the chart. Each Circuit Group has two Circuits within it.

Circuitry of this Gate

Circuit Group: Collective
The Collective Circuit Group serves the greater good and our collective values. It shares information, opinions, experiences, solutions. It is not personal.

Circuit: Logic
The Logic Circuit energies use patterns to understand our world and predict future outcomes.

High Expression of this Gate

Called the energy for Correction, the Gate 18 energy is all about logic, patterns, and serving the greater good. The highest application of this energy is to correct patterns… to see what is “off” and how to fix it. Life is full of patterns which help us understand our world and predict what may happen next.

Gate 18 is a brilliant energy for any kind of diagnostic work and for improving all manner of things. It challenges what needs correcting, which can even include challenging authority. Doctors, chiropractors, engineers, software developers, energy workers, etc., often have this gate defined, making them naturally good at finding what needs fixing.

Correcting patterns restores the vitality and perfection of the patterns for the benefit of the person being helped and for everyone everywhere. This is collective energy!

Low Expression of this Gate

The low expression of this energy can look (and feel) like criticism and fault-finding. When you are offering correction that has not been asked for, it can feel to the recipient like they are being judged and/or criticized by you. Even though you mean well and are intending to be of help, they may not receive it well or appreciate the wisdom (or correctness!) of what you say.

Another low expression of Gate 18 is turning that criticism inward and becoming very self-judgmental. This can be debilitating to the person with the Gate 18 defined.

Perfectionism is a common issue for the Gate 18, paralyzing you from taking action at all or keeping you nitpicking over details and bogging you down.

The “Fear” of this Gate

All Splenic Fears are in-the-moment fears that feel so real they can stop us in our tracks and keep us from moving forward. But we are meant to simply push through them because they are not truly survival-related fears. They quickly dissipate when moved through, often never to return again (though it may take a few times of “doing” your fear to banish it permanently). Focus on using the high expressions of this gate to help you get past the fear.

The potential fears of the Gate 18:

-Fear of not being perfect, or not being perfect enough

-Fear that no one and no thing will ever be perfect enough

-Fear of authority or resistance to authority

Tips for Using this Energy

This gate is activated by the sun from approximately September 27 through October 2 each year, though this can vary by a day or two. While the sun is transiting through Gate 18, you may find yourself feeling more critical toward yourself or others. You may notice that others are more critical of you or of others. The world may seem on a rampage of criticism and judgment, with unrealistic expectations of perfection.

Any time of year, use these tips to help you:

-Know that it is just energy and that this, too, soon shall pass.

-If any external or internal criticism (or fear of it) is holding you back, take a deep breath and move forward anyway. The fear will dissipate as you move through it, and you’ll look back and wonder what you were so afraid of!

-Focus on what is right and what is working, not what is wrong. You may be aware of what’s wrong and can work to correct it, but you don’t need to keep your attention there. Focus on solutions, not problems.

-Wait to be asked for your “corrective” input. Don’t offer unsolicited “advice.”


I previously wrote a separate post about Gate 18.  Learn more about it here:  Quick Tip: The Blessing (and Curse) of Gate 18

Next gate in this series:  Gate 48 – Fear of Being Inadequate or Not Ready

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  1. I feel totally related to this gate 48 (since forever, not only now) and I was sure I had it in my chart but actually no! How can you explain living so close to a gate which is absent from my chart? I have all the others gates of the spleen activated except the 50 also

    1. We all have all of the gates in the chart, whether they are defined in our birth chart or not. So we have the potential to experience that energy. The most common and consistent way is by having that gate defined, or we may experience it during a planetary transit. We can also be influenced by the definition of the people we grew up with, or with whom we live now. And sometimes we just chalk it up to life experiences that established beliefs and behavior patterns in us.

  2. Wow! Just back from a 7 day holiday abroad with my 5 sisters. Have spleen defined as well as gates 18, 44 And 57. My closest sibling lashed out at me and shredded me in front of the others, telling me she didn’t know if she could solve my problems. I went there thinking I was never so problem free in all my life! Another sister got into the fray! I came home devastated, hurt and vowing never to go back home again, nor be buried among them! Maybe last week was my spleen acting up. Phew! There is more to come.

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