Frequently Asked Questions

“Should I purchase more than one of the Success by TYPE Self-Study Courses?”

Definitely purchase the Course about YOUR TYPE. If you have a spouse, parent, child, or other important person in your life and you really want to understand them better, feel free to add the Course about THEIR TYPE.

If you’re eager and feel ready, take as many TYPES as you like … because you’re likely to know and interact with at least 1 person in each of the 4 most common Types.

If you have an interest in really growing yourself as a human being and/or using this basic information in your work (to help you be more effective with your clients), then I recommend getting the package of all 5 TYPES–which is definitely the best value!


“How does the 3-hour Course about my TYPE differ from a 3-Session Full Reading with you?”

A Full 3-Session Reading with me is a private, one-on-one explanation of the MANY details about YOU contained in your Human Design Chart. It’s done in three 75-minute sessions scheduled for your convenience and based on your preferences. A Reading also comes with several bonuses including the Success by TYPE Self-Study Course about YOUR Type and my 56-page eBook Human Design 101: A Crash Course in Aligning with Your Authentic Self.”  (Click here to learn more about a Full Reading)

The Success by TYPE Self-Study Courses focus exclusively on TYPE and STRATEGY. They offer a chance to deepen your understanding of your TYPE which is a primary factor in improving your success and effectiveness in life.

“How do your Success By TYPE Self-Study Courses differ from Karen Curry Parker’s Human Design Level 1 Training Course?”

My Success By TYPE Self-Study Course is similar to Karen’s Level 1 course in that both focus on the 5 Types and their Strategies.

But there are several important differences between our two programs:

-Karen’s course spends approximately 1 hour on each Type and Strategy; my Self-Study Courses spend 3 hours on EACH Type and Strategy.

-Karen’s course teaches about all 5 Types; I’ve structured my Self-Study Courses so you can purchase only the course about YOUR Type if that’s all you want to know. You’ll get 3 hours about YOUR Type, plus full transcripts. You can also add on as many of the other Types courses as you want… but that’s optional.

-When my courses were taught live there were Q & A sessions for EACH of the three calls about EACH TYPE.  These Q & A sessions are included in the recordings and on the transcripts.

-Karen’s course has slides; my courses are audio-only so you won’t need to be in front of a computer to learn from them.

-Karen’s course has a certification option (to become certified to give Level 1 readings); my courses are experiential in focus. They are designed to help you:

  • deepen your understanding of your Type (we cover many aspects of Type, including managing energy, sleep patterns, relationships, and how to be resilient), and
  • learn to APPLY your Decision-Making Strategy in your life.

Each Course in my series is an exploration of what it means to BE that TYPE and how to use that information to your advantage in all areas of your life.


Please contact me at evelyn AT if you have any further questions!


Ready To Learn How To Make Better Decisions?

If you already have your Chart, get started with a free Decision Maker's Kit!

(Need a free Human Design Chart? Click here -- your free Chart comes with this Kit)

Your downloadable free Decision Maker's Kit includes:

"THE #1 SECRET to Making Better Decisions in
Your Life, Your Career, and Your Relationships"

a Special Report to help every Human Design Type start making better decisions

"Your Journey of Transformation:
An Introduction to Understanding Your 
Human Design Chart"

a short eBook that describes the parts of the Chart so you start to get familiar with them

"The Five Types, Roles, and Strategies of Human Design"

a handy one-page Reference Guide to help you know yourself and others

You'll also receive occasional emails full of valuable information to help you be successful along your path, including Human Design tips, articles, resources, special offers on Readings and courses, and Celebrity Chart reviews!

Click here for your free Decision Maker's Kit
Types, Roles & Strategies of Human Design